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Unique sculptures
International Craft Fair Munich
Lifestyle and Design - 8.03. -12.03.2023
Hall B1 Booth 634
>>> To the craft fair
There is a common thread in the exhibition: young and emerging international artists, who offer works based on the organic, the natural and radical that use the most varied materials, from the noblest to the most everyday use, managing to merge design and artistic furniture.
The exclusive showroom Addictions Design, designed by Mil Studios, offers a meeting place for interior design professionals with a full calendar of events, as well as a space for industry meetings and the presentation of exclusive companies in the heart of the Golden Mile of Marbella. It showcases a careful selection of artwork, creative design, specialized and consolidated craftsmen and building materials to create unique spaces and properties where design and sustainability are the protagonists, a scenario marked by top brands.
- Exhibition in Urb. Marbella Real, casa 302, Milla de Oro cp: 29602 Marbella (Málaga),
- 23. September bis 23. Oktober 2022
addictionsdesign + kitteateliers
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• KITTE.ATELIERS.PLATFORM - Madrid 2021/2022
4th January -31st March 2021
• Art Profile-Magazine for Art Novembe / December 2020 / Januar 2021
Ausgabe Save the Planet
Articles: Forms of nature in timeless originality
Light sculptures and edition
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in the further course on this page/Text excerpts from magazine articles in English
Text excerpts from magazine articles
Forms of nature in timeless originality
Games with light are unique and impressive. Whether it is shadows, glistening spots or a warming atmosphere flooded with pleasant light - many things are artistically possible, which have a spontaneous and direct effect on our emotional state. Subtle colours, a diffuse lighting situation, which appears together with a soft lighting - all this melts into a pleasant whole in the sculptures of Kerstin Amend-Pohlig. Although dominant in appearance, which is already predetermined by the material used, the soft light gently flows around the strong edges of the sculptural objects.........
........This becomes clear and evident in her "Light Sculpture" from the "Lichtwuchs" series: ....- their outer appearance, however, hides the inner hollow space. And it is precisely from this inner state of mind that a substance-like mix of different materials pours out, conveying the abstract image of an erupting volcano. The emerging lava is illuminated from the inside and gives the observer the impression of glowing coal; from light yellow to dark orange, this eruption, which extends beyond the edge of the stone, visualises a conglomerate of the most varied fire appearances. As decorative as such works are, they reveal much more. Especially when it comes to the experience of an organism whose activity may have just been briefly and abruptly halted. Kerstin Amend-Pohlig not only shows it, but she combines the visible with the tangible - in many ways. Fantasy and individuality merge here and form a form that is singular and gives realism a visualised form of expression. Looking at these works of art up close is both breathtaking and astonishing and expands one's own horizon of experience in a new way..............
Professional association of visual artists of Upper Franconia
Project docked&logged in
Spatial concept exhibition -What remains? -Remains what?-
Works of art that remain I NP-Coburg
With the artists on site I Studio Days Upper Franconia
Participation Museum Night Coburg 2019 I FB
Artist community in the Hexenturm I Fake or no fake: Installation "Hot Rock Luise" Paintings, objects and texts I set to music stories about Prince Albert's possible place of origin
1. respect - space concept of the BBK Upper Franconia - Bamberg online newspaper Museums Bamberg
2. press release about the exhibition
1. DinA 4 I details at Facebook IBamberg I Villa Dessauer
2.DinA4 - Exhibition participation of the BBK Upper Franconia Museums Bamberg
1. I gallery on time
2. Press releases and photos I FB
Comedialog I Design workshop Coburg
QuerCross section I Details bei FacebookI Bayreuth I New City Hall
Membership of the professional association of Upper Franconia
Text excerpts from newspaper articles
Works of art that stay
Two local artists are also taking part in the exhibition to mark the anniversary of the World Heritage title for Bamberg. Kerstin Amend-Pohlig and Gerd Ganz present their ideas on becoming and passing away. "The mixture of digitalisation, automation and robotics offers great opportunities for the preservation of cultural assets, but it also presents us with immense challenges.
This is the opinion of the Coburg graphic artist, painter and sculptor Kerstin Amend-Pohlig. In the context of an art exhibition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the World Heritage title for Bamberg's Professional Association of Visual Artists of Upper Franconia in the city gallery of the Villa Dessauer, Amend-Pohlig is dealing with the question 2What remains? What remains? 22 artists from Upper Franconia deal with the value of art for society and with becoming and passing away in series of works using various techniques.
Gerd Ganz and Kerstin Amend-Pohlig were selected by the BBK from the Coburg region to take part in the competition. Amend-Pohlig designed the group "Eingeloggt und Angedockt" (Logged in and Docked) for the spatial concepts, a sculpture on stand objects made of iron, wire and plaster, as well as graphics, wall and floor objects made of plaster and cement. "The sculpture, the interpreter, I have digitally translated, she explains. But visitors to the exhibition are also called upon to actively do something: "Mitbauen am Milchtütenglobus" is the concept that Amend-Pohlig offers for waste separation....