Intersection: Fiction and Reality
Project: Installation
Exhibition participation:
BBK-Obefranken :
Uncannily fantastic or totally real - exhibition on the 200th anniversary of the death of E.T.A. Hoffmann
Impressions components
Installation with 8 sculptures and 1 light sculpture
Intersection: fiction-reality
The development of the (light) sculptures is based on the idea that during the creation of their form at the same time a source of power begins to work inside them. In the course of events, the originally fictitious existence of this power source is transformed. Shock-like eruptions and breakthroughs, processes of bursting or a flowing out into the open become visible and real.
In the forming processes, crusts, furrows, holes, cracks and elevations form - up to the highest layers of the sculptures - first monochrome then color-active. Docked encapsulations - connected with channels inside the sculpture bodies - show a lava-like luminosity in connection with LED.
Development, formation and observation come from a continuing abstract complexity - Deep Thinking - a combination of focusing thought processes and the absolute freedom of associated and continuing sensations. This results in perpetual processes of development - without beginning or end. The sculptures are made of a variety of materials: stone, plaster, fine-grained stone granules, cardboard and plastics, recycled, acrylic. The painting technique strongly determines the interplay of forms and the expression of the sculptures.
Professional Association of Visual Artists - Upper Franconia I About the exhibition >